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Value-based care is a health care model where providers, like doctors and hospitals, are rewarded for helping you stay healthy and for improving the health of those with chronic conditions. Instead of just getting paid for the number of visits or tests, they get rewarded for quality patient results. This means more focus on your overall well-being, which can lead to better health outcomes for you.
No, CareAllies is not a health insurance plan. We are a company that focuses on connecting care between patients, doctors, and insurance plans to improve health, affordability, and patient experience. However, many health insurance plans, including Medicare, are now working within the value-based care framework.
No, CareAllies itself doesn't have additional costs for you.
Individual Family Plans (IFP) are health insurance plans that cover an individual or a family rather than being offered through an employer. They can be purchased directly from insurance companies, brokers, or health insurance marketplaces.
Medicare Advantage (also known as Medicare Part C) is a type of Medicare plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide you with all your Medicare Part A and Part B benefits as well as additional benefits. They can be HMOs, PPOs, Private Fee-for-Service Plans, or Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans. You must have Medicare Parts A and B to have a Medicare Advantage Plan and if you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, your Medicare services are covered through the plan, and are not directly paid for under Original Medicare.
HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plans require you to choose a primary care physician and their main focus is to be your champion, coordinating with specialists as you need them. You usually pay less out-of-pocket but your care is being addressed by a network of doctors who are actively working together for you. PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans offer more options in choosing health care providers and don't require referrals, but might come with higher out-of-pocket costs and may not have the same level of collaboration between the doctors as the HMO.
A primary care doctor is your main health care provider and oversees your overall health, creating a personalized health plan based on your individual needs. They guide you on preventive care, treat common illnesses, and can refer you to specialists when needed. Having a primary care doctor ensures continuity and support in your health care journey.
Yes, you can change your primary care doctor. The process varies depending on your insurance plan, but it typically involves contacting your insurance company and selecting a new doctor from their network. If you do wish to change your primary care doctor, make sure you consider the impact to your care as well as other factors such as location, participation in current health plan, specialty (general practitioner or internal medicine), recommendations from loved ones, and your level of comfort with the new doctor. Read more about it in our blog article.
The Medicare Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) program, also called Extra Help, is a federal assistance program to help low-income Medicare and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries pay for monthly premiums, annual deductibles and co-payments related to Medicare prescription drug coverage.
If you or a loved one is eligible for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program, Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary Program, or Qualifying Individual Program, then you or they automatically qualify to get Extra Help paying for Medicare prescription drug coverage.
Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) are Medicare Advantage plans for individuals who are eligible for both Medicare and medical assistance from a state plan under Medicaid. A D-SNP has all the benefits of a Medicare Advantage plan (including a prescription drug plan), can help coordinate benefits between Medicare and Medicaid, and often includes extra benefits at no extra cost to you.
Have more questions about your health care options? Speak with a licensed agent/benefits advisor at 888-503-1513.